3K/UHD 5D2 Raw development and Other Digic IV Cams

Started by reddeercity, April 06, 2017, 12:22:27 AM

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Very impressive how quickly you have made progress on the 50D!

Looks like good dynamic range and very clean, maybe it has better quality than 5D2 ??? Sensor a bit small though...


Quote from: Bender@arsch on May 04, 2019, 04:05:43 PM
I tested the new crop module and at the beginning I thought everything was great, no stripes or anything and I can change the Shutterspeed as I want, but ... later i see "sometimes" (not everytime or always) false greenish blacklevel for some sec.
Yes, I record ALL in manuel mode and i have testet the 1/48 shuterspeed too -> same resultat

Btw. if i set shuterspeed to 1/33, it set to 1/26 -> good for low light

Here a short testfootage, no correction, F11,3, iso 100, 1/48, 10bit (112 black, 1013 white), temp. 5800 -> false blacklevel here at the beginning :

I fixed my own problem by changing only one setting:
QuoteDo not enable overlays in mlv_rec (default is disabled while recording raw video)
Now all works great, thanks Reddeercity!

Your 50D Projekt sounds realy good;)

btw. can you make a Build with both latest crop moduls in one?



You asked for the original mlv file to see aliasing and moire in 2.6k crop mode...

her is the original mlv file to download


Side note, with this and with 3k build, when formating card in camera, it delete ml from card


Downloaded 04-07-2019 CROP_REC.MO for 5D II.  Un-zipped the .RAR and installed to Module to the CF card.  I'm getting an error when loading.

Question.  Does Crop_Rec.MO not go to the Modules Folder?

I get an Err for all Modules when loading Crop_Rec.MO.  When powering off, the Error says it failed to link modules.


Proudly own a 50D...  Will test functionality of further Crop_Rec.MO developments...  With your help.  Thanks.
Levi S. Davis


Quote from: banertop on May 16, 2019, 08:43:58 PM
You asked for the original mlv file to see aliasing and moire in 2.6k crop mode...
her is the original mlv file to download
Thanks got it , Ok now I see it in the Blinds in the windows .
After carefully examining the file I found user/cam setting issue problems.
Your shutter setting is far too high (very short exposure time)

You have 1/362th second @ 24 degrees !
This well cause aliasing big time , you should have 1/48th second @ 180 degrees .

This the metadata from my camera set correctly , note shutter angle & aperture .

Please take this with a grain of salt , you need to understand better shutter angle & aperture
because they work hand in hand , you set the lens to f2.8 and reduce shutter angle to get a more in focus (1/362th)
where you should have closed down the aperture to let say f8 increase shutter angle ( 1/48th) = the same focus .
and if you have 1/362th shutter you didn't set the camera up right .
If you follow the instruction on the first post of this thread you should end up @ 1/48th when you enable the crop-rec 2.6k preset.
If not you did something wrong , and that's why you have aliasing problem .
To get these sizes I had to increase the rolling shutter from 25.6 to 30.6 ms (milliseconds)

To recap the set up: canon menu - NTSC , 1080p30 (29.97fps)
In magic lantern: set shutter to 1/60th second or as close to it as possible (1/63th is good)
enable crop_rec and go to 5xzoom & it should say 23.976fps & 1/48th shutter .
I label this as user/cam setting error.

Quote from: banertop on May 16, 2019, 08:43:58 PM
Side note, with this and with 3k build, when formating card in camera, it delete ml from card
Yes I know about this it's a bug that's very low priority right now , well get addressed in do course.


i thought it was something about shutter speed...
Also, i remember once you said that all problems in 2.6k build (like red stripes) are related to improper shutter use....

I understand how shutter works, just did not think it will cause aliasing while i was shooting...

good to know


Any chance to test 48p soon?


3200x1143 @ 23.973fps on the 50D  :)
Almost got the vertical height regs figured out (not as simple as 5d2 unfortunately), still need to push the image down 52 pixels .
So , yea I can do at least 3200x1143 @ 24fps  :D
I do think I can push it to 3200x1330 @ 24fps , tried 3744x1143 , got to 22fps so 1300 should be doable at 24pfs if not a little more

Short out doors (my back yard) clip in my google drive , 3200x1143 @ 23.973fps
Exported with mlv app. , could have use some defringing in upper part of the tree branches near sky
but if I needed to defringe ,  I would just use Adobe A.E. with ACR , but still not a bad job.
The focus could have been better , it's just a quick test for increased vertical resolution   


Ok the on the 50D the maximum resolution is 3200x1268 @ 23.98 fps but the image is not totally clean yet
still looking for the right vertical offset in cmos[4] . So at this point I do have clean image vertically at 1090 @ 24fps .

Some interesting information about the sensor on the 50D , it has 4.69µm(micro meter) pixel size
where the 5D2 pixel size is 6.41µm , no wonder the 50D is sharper but the 5D2 is more cinematic . 

Now I'll see if I can add the 50D to the existing crop_rec_4k_5d2  branch and have at least 1 preset (3744x1090 @ 23.98) for now
for the user to experiment with, but don't expected to see it for a few weeks or so . I need to get back on the 5d2 stuff .


Didn't what to double post , updated the 50D thread with my updates & video sample of UHD Test on youtube

I can confirm that the preview liveview regs work on the 50D same as the 5D2


"I need to get back on the 5d2 stuff " like a music to my ears, hehe.


Checking on Hi-Frame rate for 50D ,
In 3x3 maximum 1568x528 = 63.042fps thou it's a little unstable ,  60.058fps is stable .
in 5x Zoom(3xcrop_mode) 1920x760 = 48fps , I can't figure out yet how to put 3x3 in to 5x3
(720p mode) , adtg12[100c]0x2 -> 0x4 doesn't work like 5d2 , it may be a different reg


I'm very close to having the 50D code in to the 5d2/4k Crop_rec  ,
there one piece of information I need to have a working crop_rec on 50D . I'm looking for the address of
Can't seem to find it , all hints where to look ?
Edit: for 5xZoom

Ok I think I got this part but  ......

found more code I need to change for 50d
else if(is_camera("50D", "1.0.9"))
        CMOS_WRITE = 0xFFA12190;
        MEM_CMOS_WRITE = 0x;
        ADTG_WRITE = 0xFFA11FDC;                                             
        MEM_ADTG_WRITE = 0x;
        ENGIO_WRITE = 0xFF97D904;
        MEM_ENGIO_WRITE = 0x;

I found the CMOS , ADTG & ENGIO Write address  in the adtg_gui.c
but I can't found the MEM Write address , do it need to look in the 50d rom ? hints ?

Just need to figure out the address for mem write (may have to run some logs on 50d)
and I need the  A & B Timing table for frame rate ( but should be easy enough I think)
that should be the last bits to work over .


Hello people!
I`ve tested the latest stuff on my 5dmkii + 64gb sandisk extreme pro 160mb/s (magiclantern-crop_rec-3k-1080p-5D2-eXperimental.2019Feb01.5D2212.zip + 2.6k_5d2_R_T_PreView_4-7-2019_crop_rec.rar)
After a "card warmup" and 5x zoom button on 12bit mlraw i got max. 8sec rec with 2592x1200 | 2.16:1 | 1.12x | needed speed 106mb/s
And the recorded on any crop modes and resolutions .mlv files do not play via file manager mode.
Also navigation in the "modified" tab of ml menu got very long latency between button pushes and that`s strange. On the latest ML Nightly Builts no latency at all.
After formating cf card with "keep ml" via canon menu camera shows info ("card not formated in camera, format it"). After you`ve done that second formating ML firmware totally disapears. That hapened on 2 different cards.
It`s possible to fix it?


This is a experiment build, not finished yet. There are many problems at the moment and the priority is currently elsewhere.

I have to revise my last entry, the problem persists. I've try formating and new installt, different settings, different aspect ratio (less writing speed), but nothing works (black level intermittent).

On one day i've testet static-in-Room-shoots and some static-outside-shoots, all without blacklevel problem...
Now i've testet stativ (no changing Camera angle, dynamik objekt like cars is ok) vs dynamik shoots (changing camera angle, especially between hard contrast, much wiggle^^) -> Result: all dynamik shoots have intermittently black level problem! The problem is only in the new crop build.

I hope that will helps you.


Quote from: Bender@arsch on May 24, 2019, 07:41:19 PM
Now i've testet stativ (no changing Camera angle, dynamik objekt like cars is ok) vs dynamik shoots (changing camera angle, especially between hard contrast, much wiggle^^) -> Result: all dynamik shoots have intermittently black level problem! The problem is only in the new crop build.
I hope that will helps you.
Thank you , yes very helpful !
I wish I had more user like you that are on the ball.
Can you upload a short .mlv with the problem please ?
I'll prepare a special 2.6k build (shortly)with the preview regs disabled for testing and see if the problem persists .


Updated the first page/post of this thread with new test build for 5d2 2.6k , hopefully to fix the problem that Bender@arsch reported above on Reply #713
I loaded the CF card with a fresh ml build with crop_rec.mo and no problem here yet .
When testing , don't just copy the new crop_rec.mo over to CF card , do a fresh install to be sure
there nothing leave from previous build to cause issues .


Found the CMOS , ADTG & ENGIO MEM Write address  :D
sad part there where right under my nose all along , all I had to do is look at the memory patches in the debug menu.
look at the green text at the bottom of the screen shot image.

One step closer  ;D


Komputerbay 128 CF 1066x

Link to image showing "Failed to Link Modules."  https://ibb.co/Hqj2bZp

This is the latest 2.6K modified crop_rec.  Fresh "ML install" as instructed.
Levi S. Davis


No problem here , just to be sure I downloaded the build again from my bitbucket downloads and every works correctly .
Only load 5d2.sys , mlv_rec.mo & crop_rec.mo 


Quote from: Apxub on May 24, 2019, 11:17:33 AM
Hello people!
I`ve tested the latest stuff on my 5dmkii + 64gb sandisk extreme pro 160mb/s (magiclantern-crop_rec-3k-1080p-5D2-eXperimental.2019Feb01.5D2212.zip + 2.6k_5d2_R_T_PreView_4-7-2019_crop_rec.rar)
After a "card warmup" and 5x zoom button on 12bit mlraw i got max. 8sec rec with 2592x1200 | 2.16:1 | 1.12x | needed speed 106mb/s
And the recorded on any crop modes and resolutions .mlv files do not play via file manager mode.
Also navigation in the "modified" tab of ml menu got very long latency between button pushes and that`s strange. On the latest ML Nightly Builts no latency at all.
After formating cf card with "keep ml" via canon menu camera shows info ("card not formated in camera, format it"). After you`ve done that second formating ML firmware totally disapears. That hapened on 2 different cards.
It`s possible to fix it?
Buy the way all lags stays the same with a reddeercity 24.05.19 built on my stuff.
After i found this Danne`s built: https://bitbucket.org/Dannephoto/magic-lantern/downloads/crop_rec_4k_5D2_2019Jan09.5D2212.zip
And it works perfect on my stuff without previous lags. Only the canon formatting problem not fixed.
And i got 2880x1080 or 2.67:1 with crop mode 3.5k 1:1 centered x5:


Here a short 10sec. MLV file:

I've tested the modified crop module (format and new install) -> same result...


All good.  Was a card issue and an FPS issue in the Canon Menu.  ( Strange combination of errors as both were previously set accordingly. )

Link to modules working - https://ibb.co/0mhjYrn
Levi S. Davis


Quote from: Bender@arsch on May 25, 2019, 07:38:25 PM
Here a short 10sec. MLV file:
I've tested the modified crop module (format and new install) -> same result...
Well it look ok here , black & white level are correct (112-1013) check with exiftool & mlv app  ,
I notice you are recording audio also . I never tested crop_rec test build with audio , and that will push the limits of the 5d2 beyond it's limits .
I only intended the preset to be used as video only not with audio yet , if you want to use audio reduce resolution to 2400 etc. ....
If you need audio real bad , use a audio recorder . When d4 crop_rec get in to the main 4k branch , audio is supported there but until then
you will have to made do as is .

Check a little further , and I see a light change (sun come out in the image on the right)
I see a more contrasts frames near the end of the clip but all dng are correct levels .
The light in the image start to be flat then after the bright wall the sun comes out (just coincidence ?) .
There my also be a issue in the raw backend with auto blacklevel detection
Below are dng screen shoot from my desktop , left is the second frame(0002) & the right is frame# 199

Try without audio , different ISO's etc. ...  , keep all light in scene equal (to validate the problem) & if you do a ISO change of White balance change (I use only manual Kelvin setting no auto)
refresh liveview , press the play button twice then re-enter 5xzoom for crop_rec .


compare Frame 26 (blacklevel 112) and 199 (change blacklevel to 107) -> is nearly equal, no sun changing  (all in MLV APP)

in crop mode i change nothing, but i will test it without audio later.


CropTest without sound or without all, only rec.mo and crop.mo with the modified build -> same result
btw. audio works great with all experimental crop builds, with my extern stereo microphon too (not used in the updloaded test MLV)

workflow: i change all settings in "normal" liveview, then i press + for crop

if you want to use audio reduce resolution to 2400 etc. ....
I already tested different aspect ratio (less resolution) -> no different